Its been almost 2 months since my last post, and a lot has changed since then.
I've finally found time to write this, but I don't want this to get too long so I'll just sum up my last two months.
Aug 24th - Started junior year of high school
It's been much better than last year, partly because I am actually spending a legitimate amount of time studying, but also because last year I had to deal with curriculum changes because I transferred from a different school district. I've finally started caring about school, and it's actually quite fun. I'm naturally a competitive person so I enjoy the struggle and the hard work of pushing myself to be better.
September 7th - Finished work as a lifeguard
This was a good experience considering that it was my first job I've ever had. I met some amazing people and learned some great things.
September 24th - ACL surgery
I was out of school for two days but that completely threw me off track. Although I only missed a few tests, I was met with a deluge of work when I returned. It was extremely difficult to get around the house, let alone complete everyday tasks as I was on crutches for the first week after my surgery. I took painkillers for the first three days and my body was completely messed up by them. I felt dizzy and I couldn't focus for the entire duration I was taking the painkillers. I quickly weaned myself off those even though I still had pain in my knee because I didn't want to get addicted to those drugs.
On Friday, I had my 2nd PT checkup at exactly 1 week after surgery. I had almost complete extension and about 86 degrees of flexion.
Today, the swelling has gone down almost 60% and I've actually been able to slowly walk without my brace. I have 90 degrees of flexion and I can recruit most of my right quadricep. I will start lifting again today and over the next two weeks I'll be back to shooting the basketball. I haven't lifted ever since my surgery but I can still see adequate muscle growth because my body is still healing from all the lifting I did prior to my surgery. Isn't that crazy? My body is still recovering over a week after my last workout. I've even seen an increase in definition in my left calf. This is probably a result from all the one legged movements I've been doing for the last week.
My diet has been getting better and I'm now eating more fruits and vegetables and drinking more water and juice.
That pretty much sums it all up! Thank you for reading my latest post, I hope to see you again sometime soon!
Aaron Chan
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Monday, August 10, 2015
School is coming up in a couple of weeks, and since this coming year is my junior year, these couple weeks I have before school starts are vital.
My ACL tear has definitely changed many things and shed new light on things I never noticed before. It showed me that no matter how high up you may be, a few seconds in the wrong place at the wrong time can close that door you were so fervently chasing after.
I've always contented myself with better-than-average grades, putting in just enough time to be able to say, "Yeah, I do well in school. I can spend all my time in basketball because I'm doing better than most of the people out there."
I didn't think I had to actually try hard and get perfect grades because really, I'm getting my scholarship based off my basketball skills and my career has nothing to do with how well I do in school.
But my injury changed everything. It brought up the "What ifs?". What if I never get to play in college? What if I get injured and never come back? What if I bypass all these academic opportunities that I'll need in the future?
A special someone told me recently that I need to not just chase my dreams but also plan ahead realistically.
That word stuck in my head for the next few days. Realistic. Realistic. Realistic.
At first I was extremely reluctant about this "realistic" thing.
You're asking me to give up my passion and live a life of mediocrity? But I'll never be satisfied with "average". I can't live like that. It's not in my nature. The world is a jungle, and I choose to eat.
After struggling with this for a few days I finally understood what she meant. It's not wrong to chase after dreams, after goals, after passion. It's just not smart to put all my eggs in one basket, to say I can just follow that and be sure that I will succeed, to live or die by that one dream.
I will still put in 10,000+ hours chasing after my craft. I will still dream to the fullest extent. I will still set my goal on the edge of the horizon.
But I will also give my 100 percent effort to do the best I can academically. I won't waste the opportunities God has given me. I will use my talents and gifts to the best of my ability. And through that, I will praise and glorify God.
To God be the glory forever and ever!
- Galations 1:5
Aaron Chan - 99
Saturday, July 25, 2015
My Worst Nightmare Come True
Sometimes life just throws you into a wall.
Last Tuesday night, I had an injury that I had always feared would someday happen. It hurled my life out of balance and threw up an enormous obstacle in front of me.
Sneakers squeaked on the dusty court as the late night Tuesday basketball camp came to the last drill of the day. One on one match-ups.
The ball rotated seamlessly in my hands as I looked at my defender.
"In'n out dribble, right hand finish," my mind told me.
The sound of the ball hitting the floor echoed through the gym as I began my move.
Suddenly, my shoe hit a slippery spot on the floor, and my right leg slipped out in front of me. I lost control of the ball, and as I was falling, my defender came up aggressively, his knee smashing into the inside of my right knee. I felt a pop, and immediately found myself on the floor, clutching my knee to my chest as I gasped for air. Pain shot through my entire leg, and I lay there wishing that it would stop, wishing that this never happened, wishing that this was all a figment of my imagination.
Doubts rushed through my head as I suddenly had questions about everything: my leg, my future, my career, my life.
"How badly am I injured? Lord why did this have to happen to me? Is my bone broken? Are my ligaments torn? God I need you right now!"
I could only hope that my leg had a superficial injury, that it was all nothing, that it was just a scratch.
Minutes later, in what felt like an eternity, the pain eased up and I was able to slowly make my way to the bench, but I was still struggling with my doubts.
The next day, I went to my chiropractor. He took 5 x-rays of my knee, and assured me that all my bones were fine, but he wasn't sure if the reduced mobility in my leg was due to a ligament tear or just swelling.
We waited a few days, then I took a MRI, wishing for the best, wishing that somehow God had miraculously saved my knee from all serious injuries.
Friday at 4:46 PM, I received a message from my dad.
"Bad news Aaron. Your ACL is torn. I will schedule you to see an Orthopedic doctor for an assessment."
Suddenly everything became a blur.
I couldn't believe it.
"Me? No. It can't be. There must have been a mistake. It can't be true! What now God? I thought you were going to do amazing things through me. And now THIS? I don't understand. This was my love, my passion. And now it's gone? How long Lord? How long till I can play again? How long till it will all be back to normal? If it ever goes back to normal."
Basketball was my ticket, my pass to a successful future.
And it was ALL gone.
But the one thing that I will never lose, the one thing that no man can ever take away from me, the one thing that I will put all my trust in, is my faith in Christ. He alone is my rock and my redeemer.

Aaron Chan - 88
Last Tuesday night, I had an injury that I had always feared would someday happen. It hurled my life out of balance and threw up an enormous obstacle in front of me.
Sneakers squeaked on the dusty court as the late night Tuesday basketball camp came to the last drill of the day. One on one match-ups.
The ball rotated seamlessly in my hands as I looked at my defender.
"In'n out dribble, right hand finish," my mind told me.
The sound of the ball hitting the floor echoed through the gym as I began my move.
Suddenly, my shoe hit a slippery spot on the floor, and my right leg slipped out in front of me. I lost control of the ball, and as I was falling, my defender came up aggressively, his knee smashing into the inside of my right knee. I felt a pop, and immediately found myself on the floor, clutching my knee to my chest as I gasped for air. Pain shot through my entire leg, and I lay there wishing that it would stop, wishing that this never happened, wishing that this was all a figment of my imagination.
Doubts rushed through my head as I suddenly had questions about everything: my leg, my future, my career, my life.
"How badly am I injured? Lord why did this have to happen to me? Is my bone broken? Are my ligaments torn? God I need you right now!"
I could only hope that my leg had a superficial injury, that it was all nothing, that it was just a scratch.
Minutes later, in what felt like an eternity, the pain eased up and I was able to slowly make my way to the bench, but I was still struggling with my doubts.
The next day, I went to my chiropractor. He took 5 x-rays of my knee, and assured me that all my bones were fine, but he wasn't sure if the reduced mobility in my leg was due to a ligament tear or just swelling.
We waited a few days, then I took a MRI, wishing for the best, wishing that somehow God had miraculously saved my knee from all serious injuries.
Friday at 4:46 PM, I received a message from my dad.
"Bad news Aaron. Your ACL is torn. I will schedule you to see an Orthopedic doctor for an assessment."
Suddenly everything became a blur.
I couldn't believe it.
"Me? No. It can't be. There must have been a mistake. It can't be true! What now God? I thought you were going to do amazing things through me. And now THIS? I don't understand. This was my love, my passion. And now it's gone? How long Lord? How long till I can play again? How long till it will all be back to normal? If it ever goes back to normal."
Basketball was my ticket, my pass to a successful future.
And it was ALL gone.
But the one thing that I will never lose, the one thing that no man can ever take away from me, the one thing that I will put all my trust in, is my faith in Christ. He alone is my rock and my redeemer.
Aaron Chan - 88
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Stay Hungry
The sun rays pored into my skin early one summer day as I faced off one on one against my neighbor, an athletic man in his early 40's.
Halfway into the game, he stopped and asked,
"Wait, are you left or right handed?"
I turned to him in surprise. I stood there stunned as thoughts rushed through my mind like a full-blown Tsunami.
I had known him ever since I began playing basketball, so he definately should know my game inside-and-out, most of which, my dominant hand.
Suddenly my mind flashed back to a recent encounter I had with a staff member at my gym who was watching me train. He had asked the same question, "Which hand are you?". I had quickly brushed him off, attributing his ignorance to the fact that he didn't know me well, that he just hadn't watched me enough.
Yet this time the question came from my neighbor. There was no excuse, no reason for his asking.
It was then that it clicked. I had been training my left hand for more than a year, almost to the point where I was ambidextrous.
While I couldn't shoot three's left handed, you wouldn't be able to tell which hand I was 15 feet in.
"I'm right handed", I said with a grin.
Little moments of success like these keep me going, but as the famous proverb says, "Complacency breeds failure."
In everything I do, I must stay hungry. I can't ever be satisfied. I must keep striving for more.
Success is not a final, it is a decision you must make every single day.
Aaron Chan - 62
Suddenly my mind flashed back to a recent encounter I had with a staff member at my gym who was watching me train. He had asked the same question, "Which hand are you?". I had quickly brushed him off, attributing his ignorance to the fact that he didn't know me well, that he just hadn't watched me enough.
Yet this time the question came from my neighbor. There was no excuse, no reason for his asking.
It was then that it clicked. I had been training my left hand for more than a year, almost to the point where I was ambidextrous.
While I couldn't shoot three's left handed, you wouldn't be able to tell which hand I was 15 feet in.
"I'm right handed", I said with a grin.
Little moments of success like these keep me going, but as the famous proverb says, "Complacency breeds failure."
In everything I do, I must stay hungry. I can't ever be satisfied. I must keep striving for more.
Success is not a final, it is a decision you must make every single day.
Aaron Chan - 62
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Thank You
It's hard sometimes when I think about all the what-if's in my life.
What if I had started basketball earlier? What if I had the best coach in the world? What if I played for school growing up? What if my parents valued basketball as much as I do? What if I was 6 foot 5?
I could sit and complain about my situation in life, but that won't change anything.
All in all, the bottom line is that life is never fair. It sucks. At times I want to quit, to say it's too hard, that it's impossible.
I want to say that in those times I fall back into the arms of God. I want to say that I think of some inspirational quote that helps me get through. I want to say that I think towards the future and forget the past.
But I can't, because I don't.
Although I do know that God gives me strength to fight through those lows in my life, in my daily life I see him the most in the presence of my brothers and sisters in Christ.
They support me, they reach out to me, they give me hope.
So today I want to thank all of you who have been my supporter in any way(A.K.A. reading this blog). I obviously can't list out everyone who has helped me in some way or form, but I want to extend a very personal thank you to a few people(besides my family) who have really been by my side through some of my hardest times(my day 1's).
Thank you Clement, Joseph T, Daniel W, Alex S, Ian H, Daniel K, Joshua C, Melody B, Ella B, Rachael M, Anna R, and Coach Drake.
Thank you God for your abundant grace, mercy, and sacrifice on the cross.
And last but not least, thank YOU! The very fact that you're reading my blog is encouraging in so many ways. I hope I'll see you again next week, but for now I have Independence day celebration plans with my family, so I'll talk to you next week!
Aaron Chan - 44
What if I had started basketball earlier? What if I had the best coach in the world? What if I played for school growing up? What if my parents valued basketball as much as I do? What if I was 6 foot 5?
I could sit and complain about my situation in life, but that won't change anything.
All in all, the bottom line is that life is never fair. It sucks. At times I want to quit, to say it's too hard, that it's impossible.
I want to say that in those times I fall back into the arms of God. I want to say that I think of some inspirational quote that helps me get through. I want to say that I think towards the future and forget the past.
But I can't, because I don't.
Although I do know that God gives me strength to fight through those lows in my life, in my daily life I see him the most in the presence of my brothers and sisters in Christ.
They support me, they reach out to me, they give me hope.
So today I want to thank all of you who have been my supporter in any way(A.K.A. reading this blog). I obviously can't list out everyone who has helped me in some way or form, but I want to extend a very personal thank you to a few people(besides my family) who have really been by my side through some of my hardest times(my day 1's).
Thank you Clement, Joseph T, Daniel W, Alex S, Ian H, Daniel K, Joshua C, Melody B, Ella B, Rachael M, Anna R, and Coach Drake.
Thank you God for your abundant grace, mercy, and sacrifice on the cross.
And last but not least, thank YOU! The very fact that you're reading my blog is encouraging in so many ways. I hope I'll see you again next week, but for now I have Independence day celebration plans with my family, so I'll talk to you next week!
Aaron Chan - 44
Monday, June 29, 2015
Injuries on Injuries on Injuries
To start this off, I hate injuries.
They force me to lose time to train and I can't perform as efficiently.
We can try and try to discover the "cure" for injuries, but for now we just have to accept the fact that no one is ever immune to injuries.
The past few weeks have been frustrating because I kept getting injured. A pulled hamstring. A sprained ankle. A weak joint capsule. A wrist injury that I have no idea what it is. The list could go on and on.
It's really scary sometimes when I hear about some injuries that professional athletes go through. It brings me face to face with the fact that no matter how high up you may be, no matter how "untouchable" you may feel, a split-second in the wrong place or position could leave you crippled and severely injured for life. We are all helpless.
Yet I know there is one thing in which I can put my trust that will never fail me. As Proverbs 30:5 says, "Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him".
I don't need to have the best doctor in the world, I don't need to have the strongest body in this planet, and I don't need to have the finest masseuse on earth to keep me injury free because they won't, they can't, and they never will be able to.
All I need to do is put 100 percent of my trust in God, and He will deliver me in my time of need.
Aaron Chan - 30
They force me to lose time to train and I can't perform as efficiently.
We can try and try to discover the "cure" for injuries, but for now we just have to accept the fact that no one is ever immune to injuries.
The past few weeks have been frustrating because I kept getting injured. A pulled hamstring. A sprained ankle. A weak joint capsule. A wrist injury that I have no idea what it is. The list could go on and on.
It's really scary sometimes when I hear about some injuries that professional athletes go through. It brings me face to face with the fact that no matter how high up you may be, no matter how "untouchable" you may feel, a split-second in the wrong place or position could leave you crippled and severely injured for life. We are all helpless.
Yet I know there is one thing in which I can put my trust that will never fail me. As Proverbs 30:5 says, "Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him".
I don't need to have the best doctor in the world, I don't need to have the strongest body in this planet, and I don't need to have the finest masseuse on earth to keep me injury free because they won't, they can't, and they never will be able to.
All I need to do is put 100 percent of my trust in God, and He will deliver me in my time of need.
Aaron Chan - 30
Sunday, June 21, 2015
10,000 Hours
Back to zero.
The new episode of 10,000 hours.
This is a YouTube series that follows the life of a basketball trainer from New York in his pursuit of the answer to a question. The question.
How many hours of practice does it take for someone to become a master at his craft?
This trainer believes the answer is 10,000, and he is documenting all his training in order to test his theory.
This new episode follows his visit to China to create a movement there. The 10,000 hour counter begins once again. Starting from zero.
Likewise, on monday(the day the episode was released), I reset my counter(probably around a couple thousand hours already) and began to count once again. In 4 days, I was shocked by how many hours I put in. In a little over half a week, I logged 13 hours in the gym. This was without counting the 5 hours I put in on Sunday. Although I usually play this much, I never really understood how much I train because I never kept track of it so religiously.
From now on, I'll write the total number of hours I've logged since Monday, June 15 next to my name at the bottom of each of my future posts. That way, both you and I can track how much I train with my performance.
Earlier this week, I pulled my right hamstring, and I had to rest more than usual. I stretched and massaged it, and I took a few apple cider vinegar baths(I know that sounds weird, but it helps).
I don't know exactly why I injured it, but I believe it might have something to do with muscle imbalances in my quads and hamstrings. A lot of the training I do focuses on quads, with not enough attention spent on my hamstrings. I need to start balancing out my workouts so that I don't get severely injured in the future.
Aside from that, there's not much I can do except stretch more.
Recently, I started a new blog. It covers the materialistic essentials of an athlete, so for those of you who have trouble finding the right active gear, you might want to check it out sometime.
That's pretty much all I have for you this week, so please come back next week if you enjoyed it!
Aaron Chan - 13
The new episode of 10,000 hours.
This is a YouTube series that follows the life of a basketball trainer from New York in his pursuit of the answer to a question. The question.
How many hours of practice does it take for someone to become a master at his craft?
This trainer believes the answer is 10,000, and he is documenting all his training in order to test his theory.
This new episode follows his visit to China to create a movement there. The 10,000 hour counter begins once again. Starting from zero.
Likewise, on monday(the day the episode was released), I reset my counter(probably around a couple thousand hours already) and began to count once again. In 4 days, I was shocked by how many hours I put in. In a little over half a week, I logged 13 hours in the gym. This was without counting the 5 hours I put in on Sunday. Although I usually play this much, I never really understood how much I train because I never kept track of it so religiously.
From now on, I'll write the total number of hours I've logged since Monday, June 15 next to my name at the bottom of each of my future posts. That way, both you and I can track how much I train with my performance.
Earlier this week, I pulled my right hamstring, and I had to rest more than usual. I stretched and massaged it, and I took a few apple cider vinegar baths(I know that sounds weird, but it helps).
I don't know exactly why I injured it, but I believe it might have something to do with muscle imbalances in my quads and hamstrings. A lot of the training I do focuses on quads, with not enough attention spent on my hamstrings. I need to start balancing out my workouts so that I don't get severely injured in the future.
Aside from that, there's not much I can do except stretch more.
Recently, I started a new blog. It covers the materialistic essentials of an athlete, so for those of you who have trouble finding the right active gear, you might want to check it out sometime.
That's pretty much all I have for you this week, so please come back next week if you enjoyed it!
Aaron Chan - 13
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Summer Schedule
It's been three weeks since the last time I posted, but from now on my posts should be on time each week.
I was really busy last month, with finals and lots of banquets.
But now is the time to get better. This summer is the game changer. It's grind time.
Last summer, I planned a summer long training regiment with alternating weeks. Although everything was meticulously detailed, it was extremely hard to complete because I relied on a training partner who was out of town a lot.
This year, I'll make the schedule much more flexible but still keep key components. I'll still keep the alternating weeks, the test days, and the high volume workouts.
I was really busy last month, with finals and lots of banquets.
But now is the time to get better. This summer is the game changer. It's grind time.
Last summer, I planned a summer long training regiment with alternating weeks. Although everything was meticulously detailed, it was extremely hard to complete because I relied on a training partner who was out of town a lot.
![]() |
Last Year |
This should fit my busy summer schedule and help me get a lot done.
Now, I'm off to write it. :)
Aaron Chan
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Friends Are a Mold in Which You Are Formed
1 point.
The difference between a win and a loss. The difference between receiving or losing a scholarship. The difference between being number 1, or being a nobody.
In a society like today's, where competition is so high, a mere second, inch, or step, forwards or backwards, can be the life or death of your career. You have to make the perfect read, at the perfect time, and execute perfectly.
A lot of people believe that practice is how you get better, but they miss the fact that games solidify your skills. However, there are also people who believe in only playing games, that practice isn't important.
Recently, someone told me that all I need is practice, only to change his mind a couple of weeks later, telling me to only play games, yet I believe both are important, one must only find a balance.
If a player only practices, he'll panic in game situations, but if a player only plays games, he won't have good techniques.
This week, a close friend of mine decided to end our friendship. I was shocked, as I had poured so much energy into trying to help him.
This made me think back to something someone once told me, "If you are extreme, those around you have no choice but to leave, or also become extreme."
I then realized that was why he left. He didn't want to change, so he had no choice but to end our friendship.
This also brought a Kobe Bryant quote to mind.
"[My drive] has alienated me from the...people who are comfortable with second place...the majority."
It makes me sad sometimes, how you must push away some people you love, because they are detrimental to your life. Every person you meet leaves an impression on you, but those who you spend the most time with exert the greatest influence on you.
Choose who you associate with wisely.
Aaron Chan
*I will be posting on Saturdays OR Sundays due to my busy schedule
The difference between a win and a loss. The difference between receiving or losing a scholarship. The difference between being number 1, or being a nobody.
In a society like today's, where competition is so high, a mere second, inch, or step, forwards or backwards, can be the life or death of your career. You have to make the perfect read, at the perfect time, and execute perfectly.
A lot of people believe that practice is how you get better, but they miss the fact that games solidify your skills. However, there are also people who believe in only playing games, that practice isn't important.
Recently, someone told me that all I need is practice, only to change his mind a couple of weeks later, telling me to only play games, yet I believe both are important, one must only find a balance.
If a player only practices, he'll panic in game situations, but if a player only plays games, he won't have good techniques.
This week, a close friend of mine decided to end our friendship. I was shocked, as I had poured so much energy into trying to help him.
This made me think back to something someone once told me, "If you are extreme, those around you have no choice but to leave, or also become extreme."
I then realized that was why he left. He didn't want to change, so he had no choice but to end our friendship.
This also brought a Kobe Bryant quote to mind.
"[My drive] has alienated me from the...people who are comfortable with second place...the majority."
It makes me sad sometimes, how you must push away some people you love, because they are detrimental to your life. Every person you meet leaves an impression on you, but those who you spend the most time with exert the greatest influence on you.
Choose who you associate with wisely.
Aaron Chan
*I will be posting on Saturdays OR Sundays due to my busy schedule
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Game Day
Game day.
This is what athletes live for.
And that happens to be today.
Game days are full of mental, physical, preparation, although they differ for each individual athlete.
For me, Sunday game days start with going to Church. I get my priorities set, and I give myself time to mentally reflect.
Next, I eat a high energy, protein filled meal. It will usually be a cheese ham double-egg omelet with spinach. This way I can ensure I can perform at my best without a full stomach.
I take an hour or so to work on little details of my shooting form, but I take care not to exert too much energy before my game.
I then spend some quality time with my family, and finish off with some time by myself to meditate.
If I have time, I'll take a quick nap before I get on te road, but it's not extremely important because I should be getting enough sleep from the night before.
Now finally, it's game time.
This is the most important part of the day.
For you, it might be time to sit back with a bowl of popcorn and cheer, but it's execution time for me.
Everything in my day leads up to this, so when I finish this blog, it'll be grind time.
Starting now.
Aaron Chan
This is what athletes live for.
And that happens to be today.
Game days are full of mental, physical, preparation, although they differ for each individual athlete.
For me, Sunday game days start with going to Church. I get my priorities set, and I give myself time to mentally reflect.
Next, I eat a high energy, protein filled meal. It will usually be a cheese ham double-egg omelet with spinach. This way I can ensure I can perform at my best without a full stomach.
I take an hour or so to work on little details of my shooting form, but I take care not to exert too much energy before my game.
I then spend some quality time with my family, and finish off with some time by myself to meditate.
If I have time, I'll take a quick nap before I get on te road, but it's not extremely important because I should be getting enough sleep from the night before.
Now finally, it's game time.
This is the most important part of the day.
For you, it might be time to sit back with a bowl of popcorn and cheer, but it's execution time for me.
Everything in my day leads up to this, so when I finish this blog, it'll be grind time.
Starting now.
Aaron Chan
Sunday, May 3, 2015
New Diet
It finally ended.
I ended my diet yesterday, and I've gained over 5 pounds and 2 inches on my vertical. I didn't reach my goal but I did enjoy the process.
I'm probably going to start a new training plan this month, but I need to set aside enough time to study for my final exams and AP tests.
I can't wait for the summer because I know I'm going to get so much done. I'm planning to take SAT classes, hoop 24/7(duh), get my drivers license, and work.
Last week, I was interviewed by PepsiCo for a job this summer, and if I don't get it, I'll probably work as a lifeguard. When I get my license, I will be able to drive myself to work, KD, and basketball. That would be extremely helpful as I don't have to count on someone else to give me a ride.
So for this new training plan, I'm going to use it only until the end of this month. Instead of focusing on strength, I'm looking to work on skill and conditioning. That means more skill-based workouts and lots of running(uh oh).
I will still complete my strength workouts but keep them limited to 2 times a week.
I noticed that I've been feeling low on energy for the past week. I believe it's a result of not staying hydrated and not eating healthier foods. In order to perform well on my exams, I've decided to eat more vegetables and drink more water.
That's all I have for you today, I hope you come back next week!
Aaron Chan
So for this new training plan, I'm going to use it only until the end of this month. Instead of focusing on strength, I'm looking to work on skill and conditioning. That means more skill-based workouts and lots of running(uh oh).
I will still complete my strength workouts but keep them limited to 2 times a week.
I noticed that I've been feeling low on energy for the past week. I believe it's a result of not staying hydrated and not eating healthier foods. In order to perform well on my exams, I've decided to eat more vegetables and drink more water.
That's all I have for you today, I hope you come back next week!
Aaron Chan
Saturday, April 25, 2015
European Basketball
I've realized something startling this week. For some reason, overseas basketball just keeps getting more and more desirable.
Although my dream of the NBA still burns, a career in Europe sounds almost as great.
I like the fame and money that comes with the NBA, but sometimes I feel as if that will pull the focus away from the game, the ultimate love, the ultimate goal.
Basketball in Europe isn't about the ooh's and the ahh's. It's about team-work, and playing smart. In stark contrast, the NBA is entertainment. It's geared for the audience, so the more ankle-breakers, buzzer-beaters, and windmill dunks they have, the better.
So is my top goal still the NBA?
Yes, and it will most likely stay that way.
The problem is, everyone around me seems to want me to achieve other things instead of my number one goal.
Perfect PSAT and SAT scores, 5.0 GPA, a clean room 24/7, a business or law degree in college, a IB diploma, the list could go on and on.
While I don't have an objection with that, I know I'm going to have a problem balancing all those with school, basketball, family, friends, and God.
Therefore, I've decided to sacrifice some things for the last six weeks of school. I've recently deleted most of my social media on my phone, and I am cutting down on my sleep(Oh crap). I'm going to follow a rigid schedule so I can get all my training done while still allotting time to study for my final exams.
For all of you who read my earlier blogs, you may remember my "diet". Next week will be the last 7 days of my regimen, so I will post my results and my new goals next Saturday.
So is my top goal still the NBA?
Yes, and it will most likely stay that way.
The problem is, everyone around me seems to want me to achieve other things instead of my number one goal.
Perfect PSAT and SAT scores, 5.0 GPA, a clean room 24/7, a business or law degree in college, a IB diploma, the list could go on and on.
While I don't have an objection with that, I know I'm going to have a problem balancing all those with school, basketball, family, friends, and God.
Therefore, I've decided to sacrifice some things for the last six weeks of school. I've recently deleted most of my social media on my phone, and I am cutting down on my sleep(Oh crap). I'm going to follow a rigid schedule so I can get all my training done while still allotting time to study for my final exams.
For all of you who read my earlier blogs, you may remember my "diet". Next week will be the last 7 days of my regimen, so I will post my results and my new goals next Saturday.
(Kale, spinach, raw egg, banana, milk, OJ smoothie)
Aaron Chan
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Hey everyone,
Im sorry I forgot to post yesterday.
Im sorry I forgot to post yesterday.
I spent a lot of time with my siblings and went to bed at 3:00 AM.
Yes, I did have homework and training I needed to get done, but I prioritize my family before all those. So today, I'm cramming all my studying and training that I skipped from yesterday.
This week as a whole was very monotonous. Nothing really happened or changed, except that I was able to complete the training I hadn't been able to do before.
I've been able to get up earlier before school and follow through on my daily schedules.
I might start playing for another basketball team in order to get more game experience. There are some things that can only be learned in game situations. Not by training, not by film, and not by pickup.
I've also been eating better and doing recovery exercises more, and as a result I've been feeling much healthier and stronger.
So for this upcoming week, it's my goal to execute everything faster and better.
Thanks for reading my 10th update, I hope to see you next week!
Aaron Chan
Sunday, April 12, 2015
AAU 2.0
This weekend was one of the worst I've had in a while. A lot of things have been going wrong, especially basketball and my grades. My PSA team lost by a couple of points on Friday, and I played almost 5 minutes total.
Things like that frustrate me. I hate losing. I hate sitting on the bench. And most of all, I hate losing while sitting on the bench.
When I got home that night, I felt as if I was reliving last year's AAU season.
As one of the few freshman on my AAU team, I played a maximum of 5 minutes per game, and I clearly remember that one tournament where I played a stunning total of 0 minutes. 0.
So on Friday night, I felt the pain of losing but most of all, I felt the pain and anger from the fear and slow realization that my whole year of training was all for waste.
It was as if I could see AAU season 2.0 looming just over the edge of the horizon. The incoming doom and helplessness I felt was an emotion I haven't felt in over a year.
It was especially disappointing due to the fact that I was one of the top scorers in every game I've played in for the past year. Even in our PSA opening night, I had at least 10 points, and played at least half of the game, helping my team to a 62-24 win.
However, I've learned some very important lessons this weekend.
I learned a lot of my mistakes I've been making in games, and I set up a new schedule to fix those weaknesses this month. I also learned that everything rests in God's hands, and I should put my trust in him for everything I do.
So this month I will be following a new strength and skill training schedule, and I'll be spending more time with God.
Thanks for reading my update, please come back next week for more!
Aaron Chan
Things like that frustrate me. I hate losing. I hate sitting on the bench. And most of all, I hate losing while sitting on the bench.
When I got home that night, I felt as if I was reliving last year's AAU season.
As one of the few freshman on my AAU team, I played a maximum of 5 minutes per game, and I clearly remember that one tournament where I played a stunning total of 0 minutes. 0.
So on Friday night, I felt the pain of losing but most of all, I felt the pain and anger from the fear and slow realization that my whole year of training was all for waste.
It was as if I could see AAU season 2.0 looming just over the edge of the horizon. The incoming doom and helplessness I felt was an emotion I haven't felt in over a year.
It was especially disappointing due to the fact that I was one of the top scorers in every game I've played in for the past year. Even in our PSA opening night, I had at least 10 points, and played at least half of the game, helping my team to a 62-24 win.
However, I've learned some very important lessons this weekend.
I learned a lot of my mistakes I've been making in games, and I set up a new schedule to fix those weaknesses this month. I also learned that everything rests in God's hands, and I should put my trust in him for everything I do.
So this month I will be following a new strength and skill training schedule, and I'll be spending more time with God.
Thanks for reading my update, please come back next week for more!
Sunday, April 5, 2015
"Some people want sleep more than they want to succeed!"
I don't know why getting up is the hardest part of my day.
I've been struggling with this problem for years. I set my alarm for 7:00, but only manage to get up at 7:45, 20 minutes before my school bus arrives.
I don't get time to eat a healthy breakfast, and I sometimes forget important things, like my homework.
This always leads to a horrible day, and I come home tired and despondent. I go to sleep late, and the cycle starts all over again.
If I can't learn to get up on time, my career as a basketball player is over. There's no way I'll ever be allowed to "sleep in", as most coaches want you in the gym at 5 AM. No, not wake up at 5, but GET there at 5. That means wake up at least an hour earlier to shower, eat, and commute.
So this month it's my goal to get up at 7 AM so I can read the Bible, eat, watch some game film, and still have lots of extra time to get ready for school.
Also, this month is the last month of my diet! I've seen notable muscle growth in both my upper and lower body. I touched rim for the first time a couple weeks ago, so it is now my monthly goal to grab the rim. I can dunk on a 9.5 ft hoop, so if I gain a couple more inches I will probably be able to dunk on a 10 ft.
Yesterday I played my first PSA game, and we beat the other team 62 - 24!
I really like my team, we have some great players who could really make some noise this year. They play solid defense and their offense is decent. It's been a while since I've played on a team that can sub and still be able to execute the right defense and run the right plays.
I really like my team, we have some great players who could really make some noise this year. They play solid defense and their offense is decent. It's been a while since I've played on a team that can sub and still be able to execute the right defense and run the right plays.
Thanks for reading this update, although it's a day late(sorry!). Oh, and Happy Easter, I hope to see you next week!
Aaron Chan
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Today was one of the worst days of my life.
At 4:00 this morning, I threw up 5 times.
At 8:00, I left the house tired, dizzy, and dehydrated to attend a 7 hour long internship training session.
However, the day gradually got better as my stomach recovered from the food poisoning and I was able to run the Firefly 5k race this evening.
There's a certain helpless feeling that comes when I am experiencing a large amount of pain from unknown causes at 4 in the morning.
I felt alone, with no one to help as my family members were all in deep asleep.
But I kept reminding myself to trust everything in God's hands because he ultimately holds my life in his hands.
Sorry this post was so short, I'm still recovering from dizziness and and a very weak body.
Thank you for reading this update, I hope to see you next Saturday!
Aaron Chan
Saturday, March 21, 2015
It's playoff week, and tomorrow I'll be playing in the final four for my SVAA team. We haven't lost to any of the teams in our bracket, so I have high hopes for tomorrow.
I'm hoping I have my best performance tomorrow as it's my last game day I'll have for this league.
However I'm playing for a PSA team in a couple weeks, and I'm sure we'll have a higher level of competition, which will help my growth a lot.
This week was really tiring though, I had a lot of essays and projects I turned in. However, my grades are getting higher, and I think I'm doing better.
My diet is still working, and I've gained 5 lbs already! I gained 1 inch on my vertical which isn't good though. I need to have gained 2.5 inches by now.
Sorry this post is so late, I had a busy day today 😄.
Thank you for reading my update! See you next week!
Aaron Chan
I'm hoping I have my best performance tomorrow as it's my last game day I'll have for this league.
However I'm playing for a PSA team in a couple weeks, and I'm sure we'll have a higher level of competition, which will help my growth a lot.
This week was really tiring though, I had a lot of essays and projects I turned in. However, my grades are getting higher, and I think I'm doing better.
My diet is still working, and I've gained 5 lbs already! I gained 1 inch on my vertical which isn't good though. I need to have gained 2.5 inches by now.
Sorry this post is so late, I had a busy day today 😄.
Thank you for reading my update! See you next week!
Aaron Chan
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Living Life in the Fast Lane
This week has been hectic.
And last week.
And the week before that.
Life is going so fast,
the days are passing in a haze.
I don't even have the time to stop and think about anything. I'm just going through a series of motions everyday.
Wake up.
I'm doing what I've always wanted to do. Yet, something doesn't feel fulfilled. I feel like I'm just walking and walking monotonously. Never finding rest. Never accomplishing anything.
But I know one day the cup is going to spill. Something is going to click, and all of the results start pouring in.
There can not be sunshine without rain. No storm without calm.
That's why deep down I feel gratitude towards God for allowing me to be here. It may not show sometimes, I know. Sometimes life just pushes me down. However, while I'm on the ground, I look up and I see God. And that alone gives me the strength to get up and keep going.
I've always remembered the saying, "If you can look up, you can get up."
I never really understood it till now, because now I can truly relate to it.
Personally, I believe this quote means that if one can look up, they can see all the things they are living for that give them the strength to stand up again.
Finally, I want to address the two posts I missed last two weeks. The first week I did not post because it was my birthday week :). The second post I missed was because I was extremely busy that week.
Next time I will give you all a heads up if I miss a post. Sorry about that!
Aaron Chan
Saturday, February 21, 2015
150 lbs. FINALLY
I have mixed feelings about this post.
I know I'll have to talk about something I'm not really proud of, my team's first loss last Sunday.
It was an extremely close game, with a 3 point difference at less than 30 seconds left in the game. We should have run this team out of the gym, as we had a 10 point lead in the first half.
But as a famous philosopher once said, "It's not always about winning, sometimes losing teaches a lot more than winning."
I can definitely relate to that, I learned a lot from this game. Although I did score a season high of 16 points, I made a lot of mistakes that I will learn from and not repeat. Apart from that, I think this game was vital to our development as a team, giving us the burning desire to get stronger and win the championship again.
It's been 2 weeks since the start of my diet, and I've gained slightly more than 2 pounds already, reaching a little above 150 lbs.. I haven't measured my vertical, which I'm planning to do tomorrow.
I think the diet has helped me a lot. I feel more focused at school and my grades are getting slightly better.
My hip has almost completely healed but my ankle is still recovering. I recently injured my right fifth finger, which to my disappointment, will most likely affect my shooting.
However, I'm thankful to God for teaching me many things this week, mainly that He is in constant control of my life.
There is always the possibility that any I could break both of my legs and never be able to play basketball again. Yet God has protected me in so many so many ways I could never imagine.
Another thing that stood out to me this week, was that God promised in His word to give to those who ask.
It's never been in my nature to beg for something, because it puts me in a vulnerable position for rejection. There are times where I would be afraid to ask. Afraid to put myself at the mercy of someone else. Afraid to get down on my knees and beg.
But this week, knowing the truth that God gives to those who ask, I've found myself randomly asking God for things. I know He won't reject me. Ever. And that is why I find His love and grace so amazing. I could never explain or express how much He loves me.
And that's all I have this week! I hope you enjoyed this post!
Thank you for coming!(I sound like a cashier from walmart)
Aaron Chan
Save money, live better.
I know I'll have to talk about something I'm not really proud of, my team's first loss last Sunday.
It was an extremely close game, with a 3 point difference at less than 30 seconds left in the game. We should have run this team out of the gym, as we had a 10 point lead in the first half.
But as a famous philosopher once said, "It's not always about winning, sometimes losing teaches a lot more than winning."
I can definitely relate to that, I learned a lot from this game. Although I did score a season high of 16 points, I made a lot of mistakes that I will learn from and not repeat. Apart from that, I think this game was vital to our development as a team, giving us the burning desire to get stronger and win the championship again.
It's been 2 weeks since the start of my diet, and I've gained slightly more than 2 pounds already, reaching a little above 150 lbs.. I haven't measured my vertical, which I'm planning to do tomorrow.
I think the diet has helped me a lot. I feel more focused at school and my grades are getting slightly better.
My hip has almost completely healed but my ankle is still recovering. I recently injured my right fifth finger, which to my disappointment, will most likely affect my shooting.
However, I'm thankful to God for teaching me many things this week, mainly that He is in constant control of my life.
There is always the possibility that any I could break both of my legs and never be able to play basketball again. Yet God has protected me in so many so many ways I could never imagine.
Another thing that stood out to me this week, was that God promised in His word to give to those who ask.
It's never been in my nature to beg for something, because it puts me in a vulnerable position for rejection. There are times where I would be afraid to ask. Afraid to put myself at the mercy of someone else. Afraid to get down on my knees and beg.
But this week, knowing the truth that God gives to those who ask, I've found myself randomly asking God for things. I know He won't reject me. Ever. And that is why I find His love and grace so amazing. I could never explain or express how much He loves me.
And that's all I have this week! I hope you enjoyed this post!
Thank you for coming!(I sound like a cashier from walmart)
Aaron Chan
Save money, live better.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
My First Game Winning Shot of the Season
I killed that first week of dieting.
Good job Aaron!
Nah I don't mean that "killed", I mean I messed up pretty bad.
What had happened was I found loopholes through everything. To curb this, I'm going to rewrite the rules to what I can eat vs. what I can't eat.
And I never thought temptations to eat the wrong things could be so strong.
What I did do right though, was eat more protein and vegetables. Before every meal, I had this little voice in my head tell me what I could eat and what I couldn't.
Strength and skill wise, I did more training w/ coaching. However, that also had its cons. I sprained my ankle on Wednesday and might have suffered a slight tear in my right hip. I'm seeing my chiropractor to see what exactly happened to me, but the main thing I'm worried about is the game tomorrow.

We are playing the only other undefeated team in our division, and their RF-RA difference is double ours. For all those non-basketball players out there, RF means runs for(Points scored) and RA mean runs against(Points scored by opponents), and these both are totalled up for the whole season.
I'm not completely prepared for tomorrow, my left hand and 3-point shot need some work, but then again, I joined this league not to be the star, but to get better. I have to try some new things in an environment where I can mess up but still have refs and a team that actually is trying to play real defense. I can't get that in pick-up basketball because people don't even play defense. They just care about grabbing the rebound and showing off on the other end of the court.
Last game was one of my worst games of this season. We played the same team in our opening night game, and beat them by their own points. Yet this last game was decided by 3 points. The game was tied at 23-23 late in the fourth, and while I did hit the game winning three, I had way too many turnovers. All of them were easily avoidable, such as keeping my dribble below my waist, looking up when driving, etc.
But the past is the past, and its up to God to show me what's to come in the future. So what's your guess on the conclusion of tomorrow's game?
Leave your guess in the form of a comment below :)
Thanks for reading my blog! Please come back next Saturday 2/21 if you enjoyed it!
Aaron Chan < I didn't post new highlights this week but still visit my channel :P
Good job Aaron!
Nah I don't mean that "killed", I mean I messed up pretty bad.
What had happened was I found loopholes through everything. To curb this, I'm going to rewrite the rules to what I can eat vs. what I can't eat.
And I never thought temptations to eat the wrong things could be so strong.
What I did do right though, was eat more protein and vegetables. Before every meal, I had this little voice in my head tell me what I could eat and what I couldn't.
Strength and skill wise, I did more training w/ coaching. However, that also had its cons. I sprained my ankle on Wednesday and might have suffered a slight tear in my right hip. I'm seeing my chiropractor to see what exactly happened to me, but the main thing I'm worried about is the game tomorrow.
We are playing the only other undefeated team in our division, and their RF-RA difference is double ours. For all those non-basketball players out there, RF means runs for(Points scored) and RA mean runs against(Points scored by opponents), and these both are totalled up for the whole season.
I'm not completely prepared for tomorrow, my left hand and 3-point shot need some work, but then again, I joined this league not to be the star, but to get better. I have to try some new things in an environment where I can mess up but still have refs and a team that actually is trying to play real defense. I can't get that in pick-up basketball because people don't even play defense. They just care about grabbing the rebound and showing off on the other end of the court.
Last game was one of my worst games of this season. We played the same team in our opening night game, and beat them by their own points. Yet this last game was decided by 3 points. The game was tied at 23-23 late in the fourth, and while I did hit the game winning three, I had way too many turnovers. All of them were easily avoidable, such as keeping my dribble below my waist, looking up when driving, etc.
But the past is the past, and its up to God to show me what's to come in the future. So what's your guess on the conclusion of tomorrow's game?
Leave your guess in the form of a comment below :)
Thanks for reading my blog! Please come back next Saturday 2/21 if you enjoyed it!
Aaron Chan < I didn't post new highlights this week but still visit my channel :P
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Trading Dunkin' Donuts for real Dunking
I feel as if I've hit a plateau this week.
My grades aren't getting any better.
My relationships haven't been growing.
And my improvement in basketball has been marginal.
So I decided to start a diet & workout program to help me get healthier and gain muscle to increase my vertical and bulk up. My sister told me that I don't need to gain muscle, but basketball is a physical game, and so every ounce of strength I have over my opponents, the better.
I'll be starting this Monday(I have an obsession of starting things on Monday). My goal is to go from a 30 inch vertical at 148 lbs to a 35 inch vertical at 160 lbs by the end of April.
I know it sounds crazy. 5 inches and 12 lbs in a little less than 3 months.
But as Philippians 4:13 says,
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
For my diet, I'll eat more protein and more vegetables while cutting down on fruits and fats. I'll completely stop eating sweets(cake, ice cream) and any drink other than water, green tea, and milk(meaning no monster, sadly). Except for Sunday night, that's my cheat meal.
For weights I'll be using the equipment I have at home, 5 days a week.
And for accountability, well, you'll help me out on that ;).
And here we are again, moments away from parting.
I hate these.
I just get the dreary feeling that I might not see any of you again.
So let's make this easy. I'll post one blog every Saturday(so you know when to come back). Considering how much I procrastinate, it'll probably come out after dinner(for me that's around 7-8:00).
And that's it! I'm looking forward to seeing you again next Saturday!
Aaron Chan (Click on it, it's a new video every week)
Saturday, January 31, 2015
My Name is NOT Jeremy
I have a confession.
My name is not Jeremy.
For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, that's a good sign. That means that this blog is perfect for you. It will tell you everything you want to know about my life, especially as an Asian basketball player.
My name is Aaron Chan, and I'm a dream chaser. For some of you who know me, I actually would call myself a GOAL chaser instead. Why?? I believe that dreams are ideas that you will never achieve. But I believe goals are plans that will happen and will be accomplished.
And that is why I am a goal chaser.
My name is not Jeremy.
I've lost count of the number of times someone has called me Jeremy. Specifically on the basketball court. If you're still lost, don't stop reading. I promise to explain.
Jeremy Lin is a professional basketball player in the NBA. Is he one of the greatest? No. So why is he important?
Jeremy Lin is the first ABC(American Born Chinese) to make it into the NBA. His path had many obstacles and trials but he pushed through and accomplished his goals. Goals ;)
And people believe that since I'm an Asian basketball player it gives them the right to call me Jeremy.
While this doesn't offend me in any way, I would like to make it clear that I don't have any resemblance to Jeremy Lin. Except that I'm Asian, that is.
ME^^^^ JEREMY^^^^
Ok, maybe we're not that different. But I didn't even make my school basketball team and Jeremy is in the NBA.
Why didn't I make my school team?
That's a long story that I'll tell another time. Maybe.
Although basketball doesn't seem to be going well for me, I hope creating this blog will keep me pushing towards my goal of playing for College and the NBA.
Thank you for reading my first post! I hope you enjoyed it and will come back for the future posts!
Aaron Chan
My name is not Jeremy.
For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, that's a good sign. That means that this blog is perfect for you. It will tell you everything you want to know about my life, especially as an Asian basketball player.
My name is Aaron Chan, and I'm a dream chaser. For some of you who know me, I actually would call myself a GOAL chaser instead. Why?? I believe that dreams are ideas that you will never achieve. But I believe goals are plans that will happen and will be accomplished.
And that is why I am a goal chaser.
My name is not Jeremy.
I've lost count of the number of times someone has called me Jeremy. Specifically on the basketball court. If you're still lost, don't stop reading. I promise to explain.
Jeremy Lin is a professional basketball player in the NBA. Is he one of the greatest? No. So why is he important?
Jeremy Lin is the first ABC(American Born Chinese) to make it into the NBA. His path had many obstacles and trials but he pushed through and accomplished his goals. Goals ;)
And people believe that since I'm an Asian basketball player it gives them the right to call me Jeremy.
While this doesn't offend me in any way, I would like to make it clear that I don't have any resemblance to Jeremy Lin. Except that I'm Asian, that is.
ME^^^^ JEREMY^^^^
Ok, maybe we're not that different. But I didn't even make my school basketball team and Jeremy is in the NBA.
Why didn't I make my school team?
That's a long story that I'll tell another time. Maybe.
Although basketball doesn't seem to be going well for me, I hope creating this blog will keep me pushing towards my goal of playing for College and the NBA.
Thank you for reading my first post! I hope you enjoyed it and will come back for the future posts!
Aaron Chan
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