Good job Aaron!
Nah I don't mean that "killed", I mean I messed up pretty bad.
What had happened was I found loopholes through everything. To curb this, I'm going to rewrite the rules to what I can eat vs. what I can't eat.
And I never thought temptations to eat the wrong things could be so strong.
What I did do right though, was eat more protein and vegetables. Before every meal, I had this little voice in my head tell me what I could eat and what I couldn't.
Strength and skill wise, I did more training w/ coaching. However, that also had its cons. I sprained my ankle on Wednesday and might have suffered a slight tear in my right hip. I'm seeing my chiropractor to see what exactly happened to me, but the main thing I'm worried about is the game tomorrow.
We are playing the only other undefeated team in our division, and their RF-RA difference is double ours. For all those non-basketball players out there, RF means runs for(Points scored) and RA mean runs against(Points scored by opponents), and these both are totalled up for the whole season.
I'm not completely prepared for tomorrow, my left hand and 3-point shot need some work, but then again, I joined this league not to be the star, but to get better. I have to try some new things in an environment where I can mess up but still have refs and a team that actually is trying to play real defense. I can't get that in pick-up basketball because people don't even play defense. They just care about grabbing the rebound and showing off on the other end of the court.
Last game was one of my worst games of this season. We played the same team in our opening night game, and beat them by their own points. Yet this last game was decided by 3 points. The game was tied at 23-23 late in the fourth, and while I did hit the game winning three, I had way too many turnovers. All of them were easily avoidable, such as keeping my dribble below my waist, looking up when driving, etc.
But the past is the past, and its up to God to show me what's to come in the future. So what's your guess on the conclusion of tomorrow's game?
Leave your guess in the form of a comment below :)
Thanks for reading my blog! Please come back next Saturday 2/21 if you enjoyed it!
Aaron Chan < I didn't post new highlights this week but still visit my channel :P
My guess is a win! But be careful not to hurt yourself more! :)